- "How To Wear" Guide - Our guide, with examples and photos, on how to wear our various styles of watches and watch accessories.
- Watch Winding, Setting, & Opening Instructions - Instructions (with photos) for setting & winding various types of mechanical watches.
- Abbreviations & Glossary - A list of the abbreviations we use in our descriptions and a glossary of terms.
- Pocket Watch Sizing & Watch Chain Weight Charts - A numerical and graphical chart of the different sizes of watches you will find on our site, plus a table of pocket watch chain weight classes.
- Watch Hand Styles - Examples of commonly found pocket watch hand styles, as well as photos and descriptions.
- Serial Number Production List - A table of serial numbers and years of manufacture from American watch makers.
- Research Information - Further information and links to external watch-related sites.
The PM Time Service office is now CLOSED through Sunday 01/05 for the New Year's Day holiday. During this time, the website will still be operational and you will be able to make purchases as normal. Then, beginning Monday 01/06, orders will ship out and all emails and inquiries will be answered, in the order in which they were received. Thanks, and Happy Holidays!