Vintage Gold-Toned Open-Face Case Mens Pocket Watches
Hamilton 16S 21J LS adj 6p grade 992B pocket watch #C380531, Star YGF SB&B smooth polish case
PM2860 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Waltham 6S/12S 11J HCM grade W pocket watch #6092177, thin-model YGF SB&B case with bead-edge bezels
PM2966 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Hamilton 16S 17J adj. grade 974 pocket watch #56224, heavy YGF HB&B case with a coin edge frame
PM2597 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Waltham 12S 19J adj. P.S. Bartlett pocket watch #24932452, lovely YGF HB Garland-model Keystone case
PM2723 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Hampden 16S 21J LS adj. 3p Ohioan pocket watch #3505374, impressive YGF SB&B case
PM3012 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Illinois 16S 21J LS adj. 6p Bunn Special pocket watch #4632717, heavy YGF SB&B engraved case
PM3021 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
Elgin (Swiss) 16S 17J grade 324 pocket watch #64316445, thin-model YGF case, Montgomery-style dial
PM3042 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store
South Bend 12S 19J adj. 4p grade 429 pocket watch #899801, thin-model YGF SB&B case, FOE emblem
PM1860 - This item is currently for sale at our Etsy Store